Federal tax law does not allow changes to your benefit elections during the year unless you have a qualified life event change. View common qualified life events and required documentation (PDF).

Some examples of qualified life event changes include:

  • Birth, adoption, placement for foster care or legal custody of a child1
  • Marriage, (recorded through the Clerk of Court)
  •  Divorce or legal separation (recorded through the Clerk of Court)1
  • Gain or loss of spouse or domestic partner's coverage due to change in employment
  • Gain or loss of child's eligibility
  • Gain or loss of coverage under Medicare or Medicaid
  • Death of spouse, domestic partner or child1
  • COBRA coverage expires or COBRA subsidy expires
  • Start or end of unpaid leave of absence
  • Start or end of military leave of absence
  • Change in daycare (Dependent Care FSA only)
  • Spouse or domestic partner moves into or out of the United States
  • Significant change in health care cost of spouse or domestic partner's plan
  • Gain or loss of coverage during spouse or domestic partner's annual benefits enrollment (other than January 1)
  • Loss of child(ren)'s coverage under a parent's plan (due to plan's eligibility requirements)
  • Loss of teammate's coverage under a parent's plan (due to plan's eligibility requirements)

Initiate your life event change in Workday

Changes to your benefit elections must be initiated through Workday within 31 days of the qualifying event. Follow these instructions for how to submit life event changes.