How to participate in LifeForce

You can enroll in LifeForce at any time. Complete steps 1-4. Then you’ll get an email from Peak Health with details about your first appointment, typically scheduled within 30 days after you enroll. Review steps 5 and 6 to learn more about the appointment.

LifeForce benefits calculator

See how much in medical credits you can earn in your 2024 pay.

Step 1: Set up your CarePlus Mobile Health account

Step 2: Complete the program acknowledgment

Step 3: Complete your lab work

Step 4: Complete the annual Health Assessment

Step 5: Attend your appointment

Step 6: Get ready for your next appointments

Step 1: Set up your CarePlus Mobile Health account

Note: If you’ve already registered, you can move on to Step 2.

Go to or download the CarePlus Mobile Health app and sign up for your account.

Step 2: Complete the program acknowledgment

If you’re a new LifeForce participant, find the program acknowledgement on CarePlus Mobile Health. Select the LifeForce Dashboard or from the menu, select My Well-being → My Physical Well-being → LifeForce.

Step 3: Complete your lab work

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Routine blood tests measure various levels and markers that help keep track of your overall physical health. Truist covers the cost of lab work, depending on where you get it done.

If you're a new LifeForce participant: 

  1. Go to, select LifeForce Dashboard and click on the LifeForce link to access the Peak Health website.
  2. Under Lab Order Form click Download LabCorp Form, then print.
  3. Take the form with a photo ID to the nearest LabCorpon-site clinic, or approved alternate facility.  

If you're a current participant and lab work is required:

  1. Peak Health will send a LabCorp order form with your five- and three-week appointment notices. You also can download the form from the Peak Health website.
  2. Take the form with a photo ID to the nearest LabCorpon-site clinic, or approved alternate facility.  


Your lab work must be completed at least five business days before your nurse appointment. If it isn't, your appointment will be canceled, and you'll be dropped to phase 1. Your appointment will still be canceled if your lab work is completed within five days of the scheduled appointment. Please do not appear at the previously scheduled time.

Note: Only teammates must have blood work completed, not your spouse or domestic partner.

Exceptions: If you're pregnant or currently serving overseas in active military duty, please contact us immediately at 252-237-5090

Step 4: Complete the annual Health Assessment

The Health Assessment is a confidential personal health questionnaire designed to provide you with insight into your overall health and recommendations for improvement. The assessment is an integral part of LifeForce and affects any medical credit.

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You'll complete the assessment on or the CarePlus Mobile Health app, when you sign up, then complete one every year by the last day of the month of the first appointment of the year. For example, if your appointment is on Feb. 16, the assessment must be completed by Feb 28. (Participants and spouses or domestic partners need their own accounts to complete the assessment.)

  • Do the Health Assessment under "Just for you" on the homepage/home screen or My Health Data in the menu.
  • See your Assessment Status on the LifeForce dashboard.

If your spouse or domestic partner is covered under a Truist medical plan, they also must complete the Health Assessment to earn the full medical credit. The deadline is the last day of the month of your first appointment of the year. 

If you’re pregnant or currently serving overseas in active military duty, please contact us at 252-237-5090.

If you have any questions about signing in, creating an account, or completing the assessment, please call 888-575-4588.

Step 5: Attend your appointment

Appointments for office-based and office-centric teammates are in person, close to your work location. Only remote teammates have appointments by phone. If you need to reschedule your appointment, go to the Peak Health portal.

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You'll meet with a Peak Health nurse who will perform a series of assessments including:

  • Body weight
  • Body composition
  • Blood pressure
  • Cardiorespiratory fitness (a 6-minute sub-maximal bike test)
  • Resting heart rate

Your results and recent lab work will be compared to the program's medical standards for your age and health risks to determine the LifeForce phase in which you'll be placed.

The nurse also will help you establish goals specific to your individual needs and information about how best to achieve them. 

You'll begin to receive your medical credit on the first paycheck of the month following the month of your appointment.

Step 6: Get ready for your next appointments

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During each appointment, you'll be given the approximate timeframe for your next appointment (based on LifeForce phase) and lab work. About a month before, you'll get an email with the date, time, and location of your next appointment. Put it on your calendar right away.  But if you need to reschedule your appointment, go to the Peak Health portal

If you don't receive an appointment notification, go to the Peak Health portal to view your next scheduled appointment date and time.

If you miss or cancel an appointment, you must reschedule and attend an appointment within 60 days of the original appointment, or you'll be moved into Phase 1. Reschedule your appointment on the Peak Health portal.

Your LifeForce information

Go to or the CarePlus Mobile Health app, and select LifeForce Dashboard to see your options. 

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What you'll see:

  • Steps to enroll
  • Current medical credit
  • Health Assessment status
  • Lab results
  • Peak Health portal: LifeForce:
    • Next lab date
    • Appointment history
    • LabCorp form
    • Alternative lab locations

Program details

LifeForce overview

Eligibility and benefits